

Computing at Bordesley Village Primary School

The new National Curriculum introduced a new subject in Computing; replacing ICT. Where Computing is now taught, not only does it look at the operation of software but also how computers and computer systems work and how they are designed and programmed. Currently we are using ‘Switched on Computing’, which provides the opportunities for children to explore computer science in more depth, developing a range of skills needed for the technological world in which we live. Classes are timetabled to use our new computer suite which gives opportunity for each child to work independently at their own station or in pairs or groups .We also have a set of laptops that can be used in class.

Year 1

Children have the opportunity to use programmable toys and operate their movement, illustrate an eBook and create a card electronically. They will also develop computational thinking by filming the steps of a recipe and find images using the web.

Year 2

Children are expected to use Scratch and Kodu to develop programming skills and explore how computer games work. There is opportunity to develop creativity by editing digital images and also record bug hunt data.

Year 3

Children use Scratch to program animations as well as finding and correcting bugs in programs. They begin to explore computer networks and how they work, as well as learning to communicate safely on the internet via email. Children will also create online surveys to collect and analyse data.

Year 4

Children are expected to develop a simple educational game and prototype an interactive toy using Scratch. They will also have opportunity to produce digital music and present the weather. Children will write in HTML to produce a web page and create their own Wiki.

Year 5

Children have opportunity to develop interactive games and crack codes to enhance programming and computational thinking. They will create web pages about cyber safety and share experiences and opinions. Children are also expected to create a virtual space.

Year 6

Children are expected to plan the creation of a mobile app, research the market, design the interface and then use application invention software to develop this. Children will also have opportunity to develop project management skills and create a video and web copy for their app.

Websites for more information:
www.thinkuknow.co.uk - Visit the “Parent/Carer” Section and use the Click “CEOP REPORT” button to seek advice and report online abuse.
www.childnet.com – Visit the ‘Know It All’ Section for an interactive guide about online safety
http://www.getsafeonline.org/ – Free up-to-date Security advice
I hope this information is useful to you in making your children more aware of keeping safe online.